SAIL Loan Closets
Durable Medical Equipment & Assistive Technology Loans and Demonstrations

Each SAIL office maintains a “loan closet” of durable medical equipment and assistive technology. Equipment ranges from wheelchairs and walkers to shower benches and bedside commodes. We also have assistive devices such as low vision magnifiers and sound amplifying devices. Whether you need to borrow a walker for a visiting relative or a knee scooter post-surgery, or you are interested in trying out some assistive technology, contact an office nearest you to find out what we have in stock or how we can help find the right piece of equipment for your needs!
Don’t have what you’re looking for? Let us know! We try our best to be responsive to community needs, so if there is a piece of equipment or device you need and we don’t have, we’d love to know about it.
Sponsored by Juneau Emergency Medical Associates