Employment Services

Empowerment Through Employment

SAIL partners with the State of Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to provide a wide variety of employment services and support for people with disabilities who want to enter the workforce for the first time, return to work, or develop skills that will help with employment and independent living.

SAIL’s Summer Work Program for Youth

SAIL offers a Summer Work Program for youth, ages 14-21, across all of our communities. We partner with DVR to host a 6-8 week supported, paid work experience for students who are interested in gaining employment skills. We empower students to choose their path of employment. We offer a crew work experience, where they work along side their peers in an outdoor setting that usually consists of trail work. We also offer an individual placement option where the student has the choice to chose a local business or organization to gain work experience (only offered in Sitka, Haines, and Ketchikan).

The SWP is for youth who are currently enrolled in school, have an IEP, 504 plan, or who identify as having a disability. Our definition of disability is broad and can include trauma, anxiety, depression, etc.

It takes a whole community to help ensure the success of the program and each student. Each community is funded by DVR and partners with local businesses and organizations for job placements. For more information email areed@sailinc.org

The Summer Work Program is underway and that means registration is closed. We’ve had a successful response this year and are looking forward to the summer program. Thank you for enrolling your student so SAIL can continue to offer opportunites to the youth across Southeast. 

For more information about employment support and up-coming events, contact your community Employment Specialist at the email or number listed below.

Ketchikan's Summer Work Program Starts Jnue 10-July 19th. Contact Anna Sherman at 888.487.0984. Click on the flyer and complete the form to apply for the program.

In Ketchikan contact Anna Sherman at 888.487.0984 or asherman@sailinc.org

Haines Summer Work Program starts June 10-July 19, 2024. Call Ashleigh at 888.471.1332 for more information. Click on the poster where it will take you to the application to apply.

In Haines contact Ashleigh Reed at 888.471.1332 or areed@sailinc.org

Juneau's Youth Employment In the Park 2024-Registration Closed

In Juneau contact Izzy Barnwell at 907.321.2704 or ibarnwell@sailinc.org 

Sitka's Summer Work Program starts  June 10-July 26th, 2024. Call Cara Crain at 888.500.7245 for more information. Click on the poster where it will take you to the application. Complete and submit to apply for the program.

In Sitka contact Cara Crain at 800.500.7245 or ccrain@sailinc.org

 DVR supports employment services throughout all SAIL locations for adults and youth in our communities!

No matter your age or work experience history, SAIL is dedicated to helping Southeast Alaskans experiencing a disability find gainful, meaningful employment. Staff often work closely with community partners, local businesses, and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to help you find the job that’s right for you.

To qualify for DVR services, you must: Have trouble getting or keeping a job because of a disability AND Need services to prepare for, get, or keep a job.

DVR and SAIL help support consumers with a variety of aspects of employment. Some include (but not limited to):

  • Job search and placement services
  • On-the-Job training opportunities with a real employer while you work
  • Short term work experiences to explore your different areas of employment interest
  • Training programs to support your transition into the workforce
  • Business planning for self-employment ventures


A young man is working in an auto shop. He leaning over the engine of a black vehicle.

Unleash your potential with SAIL’s Employment Support Services. Contact us to explore how SAIL can assist you in achieving your career goals.

What has employment meant for these SAIL consumers?

“I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do with my life after I graduated from high school last year. I took an employment class from SAIL. As a part of the class I did a work experience with Haines Cable. I must have done an OK job, because now I’m working for them part time. It feels good to be working. Next I’m going to get my own apartment.”

“I really like having a reliable job where I get to work with kids. I love kids and I am really enjoying working again. I feel like I have good support at my job.”

“SAIL has a supportive environment that is rarely found in the medical world. The biggest challenge of living with a disability is gaining the confidence that you are capable of accomplishing your dreams. SAIL and DVR helped me to feel that confidence and take the steps necessary to make my dream a reality.”
