Our instructors and volunteers can’t wait to teach you new ways to enjoy Juneau’s winter! We offer lessons and equipment to accommodate for all ages and abilities! Send an inquiry today to schedule a lesson or guided session to see what ORCA and Eaglecrest can offer you.
ORCA Adaptive ski & snowboard program
Starting in January each year, ORCA partners with Eaglecrest’s Snowsports School to provide adaptive ski lessons every weekend until the snow melts. We have a wide array of equipment designed to empower people to overcome the challenges inherent in winter sports, regardless of their age, experience, or ability. Our gear closet includes several varieties of bi-skis, mono-skis, sliders, nordic sit-skis, stand up and hand held outriggers, and loads of assistive technologies and teaching aids. We have a deep bench of experienced staff and volunteers, including PSIA certified instructors with specializations in disciplines like Alpine, Adaptive, Senior Specialists, and more. We offer two types of sessions within our program: lessons & guides. Lessons are always conducted by PSIA certified instructors and are geared towards beginners or people with specific learning goals. Guides are accompanied ski sessions for folks that are comfortable with their current ski level, or aren’t actively pursuing goals, but are still looking for someone to ski with, or might need a little support on the mountain. Our program is housed in the Porcupine Lodge at the base of Eaglecrest mountain, just 15 minutes from downtown on North Douglas.
Adaptive Ski & Snowboard Rates
ORCA offers reduced lesson prices, rental equipment and accessible transportation to & from various locations around the Juneau and Douglas area. Scholarships are available based on financial need. Visit the “Adaptive Program” on the Eaglecrest website or click on the link for pricing details: https://skieaglecrest.com/adaptive-program/

Our Partners/Supporters
The Operation of our program would not be possible without the generous support and hard work of our many partners:
Hecla Mining Company
Juneau Community Foundation
Douglas Dornan Foundation Fund
This program is funded in part by the citizens of the City and Borough of Juneau through sales tax revenues.
Physical Address
Eaglecrest Ski Area: 3000 Fish Creek Road, Juneau, AK 99801
Mailing Address
SAIL: 8711 Teal Street, Suite 300, Juneau, AK 99801